Dan McCaw Quotes

Simple Inspirational Quotes

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Dan McCaw Quotes

Dan McCaw Quotes

"What's essential, I think, is that you have to be unafraid to grow. Do not fear change; be afraid of never changing." ~ Dan McCaw

"Objects don't give you an emotion; you already contain that emotion. An object just brings the emotion out. Art is the same way. It provides a reason for that thought, that mood, that feeling that exists within you to surface. It connects and awakens what part of us that we already posses." ~ Dan McCaw

"I think the most important thing an artist can strive for is an individual voice." ~ Dan McCaw

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"Any subject can become a spring board for your imagination when you start to play the game of "What if?" In your mind, visualize an object and then ask, What if I exaggerate it? What if I manipulate, distort or change it? For example, what if I paint that red apple in shades of purple? Try different things. there are no wrong solutions - only what feels good to you and what doesn't appeal to you." ~ Dan McCaw

"Just as pedaling a bike on a cold day will warm you up, just moving your hand across a fresh canvas will get your creativity flowing. The opinions and ideas you give voice to do not have to be revolutionary - they only need to be sincere. Someone else out there in the world will respond to what you have to say, to how you view the world." ~ Dan McCaw

"Paintings are like plants that grow from little seeds. Plant enough of these seeds in your sketchbook and some of them will surely blossom. It's just a matter of putting that first pencil mark down." ~ Dan McCaw

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"Art is not something we learn to do but instead is a search to uncover and express that which already exists within all of us. We are the art. What we are searching for is our inner voice. I believe that most of us protect, deny or under-value this intrinsic voice, but we all have one." ~ Dan McCaw

"Broadening your perceptions creates choices, and choices create individuality. When we have options, we can then pick what best appeals to us at the time. But don't expect to develop these abilities overnight. This way of thinking is part of a lifelong journey of self-discovery. ~ Dan McCaw

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