Simple Inspirational Quotes
Inspirations for Business and Life
"Empowering means letting others have the resources and tools they need to run their own show." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"Empowering is a balancing act - finding the right middle ground in which you offer your partners the help they need as well as the freedom they want. Is it easy? Not always. But the art of effectively empowering others is a vital one for any aspiring leader to learn." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"Make it win/win situation: you can't have it all - where would you keep it?" ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"Never start a paragraph with "I": Copernicus proved it - the universe doesn't revolve around you." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"I don't know anyone who has become successful in any field without working hard. Many of the most successful people have less raw talent than their competitors - but they simply outwork them." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"Network, Network, Network! You've got something in common with everybody." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"The networker is kind of person who sends a friend a clipping from an obscure magazine, because he remembers the friend's special interest in the topics.
The networker offers a helpful reference or contact to a friend who has just launched a new business or is seeing a new job.
The networker gladly gives an informational interview to a young person interested in breaking into the industry - along with a little concrete advice how to improve her resume or sharpen her interviewing skills." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"To be a good networker, you need to care about people - not in the artificial, smarty style of the fake networker, but with genuine feeling." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"Listen carefully: you never learn a thing while your mouth is open." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch
"One of the biggest factors in career success is being a constant learner." ~ Jonathan M. Tisch, "The Power of We: Succeeding Through Partnerships"