Keith Ferrazzi Quotes

Simple Inspirational Quotes

Inspirations for Business and Life

Keith Ferrazzi Quotes

Keith Ferrazzi Quotes

"Disciplined dreamers all have one thing in common: a mission. The mission is often risky, unconventional, and most likely tough as hell to archive. But it is possible. The kind of discipline that turns a dream into a mission, and a mission into a reality, really just comes down to a process of setting goals." ~ Keith Ferrazzi

"Selling is, reduced to its essence, solving another person's problems." ~ Keith Ferrazzi

"Being a leader in life takes practice - so practice!" ~ Keith Ferrazzi

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"So how do you manage a cold call? First, it's all about attitude. Your attitude. You're never going to be completely ready to meet new people; there is no perfect moment. Your fears will never be completely quieted, because inviting rejection is never going to be appealing. There are always a hundred reasons to procrastinate. The trick is to just plunge right in. Remember, if you believe you are going to get what you want from call, you probably won't. ... You have to envision yourself winning to win." ~ Keith Ferrazzi

"In business, we often say that your best customers are the customers you have now. In other words, your most successful sales leads come from the selling you've already done." ~ Keith Ferrazzi

"Each of us is now a brand. Gone are the days where your value as an employee was linked to your loyalty and seniority. Companies use branding to develop strong, enduring relationship with customers. In today's fluid economy, you must do the same with your network." ~ Keith Ferrazzi

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"Job security? Experience will not save you in hard times, nor will hard work or talent. If you need a job, money, advice, help, hope, or a means to make a sale, there's only one surefire, fail-safe place to find them - within your extended circle of friends and associates." ~ Keith Ferrazzi

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