Dov Seidman Quotes

Simple Inspirational Quotes

Inspirations for Business and Life

Dov Seidman Quotes

Dov Seidman Quotes

"Information is king, hyperconnectedness puts that information in the hands of the many, and transparency reveals all: this is our new reality." ~ Dov Seidman

"We all carry on us a vision of ideal stability and security, an idea in our minds and hearts of what it would feel like to live a perfectly secure life. We never achieve that idea state because at any given time the conditions of our lives or the world around us create varying degrees of uncertainly and disequilibrium. This opens the gap between our ideal state and the realities of life." ~ Dov Seidman

"Rules fail because you cannot write a rule to contain every possible behavior in the vast spectrum of human conduct. There will always be gray areas, and therefore, given the right circumstances, opportunities, or outside pressures, some people might be motivated to circumvent them. When they do, our typical response is to just make more. Rules, then, become part of the problem." ~ Dov Seidman

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"It is no longer what you do that makes a difference; it is how you do it. Not every team gets to win. Not every employee becomes an executive. Many do not even get to survive. Some last, some end, some outperform others." ~ Dov Seidman

"For all great innovations, someone took a risk. They risked capital; they risked their energy; they risked their opportunity cost; and more important, they risked failure. We can’t innovate without the belief that we can succeed, the confidence that others will be there to help us on the journey, and the security that we will not be punished if we fail to reach our goal. A fast-moving world demands innovation for long-term success." ~ Dov Seidman

"In the working world today, most of us see ourselves as freelancer. We stay with a job or organization as long as its goals – and the benefits we can accrue in the pursuit of them – remain tightly aligned with our own." ~ Dov Seidman

"Working with passion is an engine that is unbelievable. A person with drive and passion does three times the job of another person. But it is not so much the quantity of the job; that is not the point. The point is that they draw crowds; they have followers; they push, and lead, and so achieve much more." ~ Dov Seidman

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"Rules don’t govern human progress; they govern the human past." ~ Dov Seidman

"The emerging trends among leading-edge businesses today involves delivering not so much a better product, but a better experience to their customers." ~ Dov Seidman

"We all like to be unique, we like to be valued, we like to be complimented, and we like to achieve things, for ourselves, our family, our communities, and our society. We still must find a way to achieve our goals and desires, to leap as high as we can. Business, as an expression of human aspiration and achievement, mirrors these same goals. It is about being great, about achieving something, and sometimes even about changing the world." ~ Dov Seidman

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